Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas at the park. . .

A blanket of snow from last winter covered the ground near the bell tower in Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver. If you look to the far right, you will see the tall tree that the city lights up for Christmas.

Last week, when I walked down to the Columbia River to take photos of the Christmas ships,I returned home by way of the park and got a photo of the tree lit up for Christmas celebrations.

It was hard to take a photo because of the glaring lights from condos nearby and store front shop lights. The park also had poles illuminated which were a distraction of the photo I wanted to get. This is the best I could do.


dot said...

Love that clock tower! It looks really cold there. BRRRRrrrrr.

Rune Eide said...

Vancouver, eh? I have been to both Seattle and Vancouver (not in the same year). The nature (and the climate) reminded me very much of the area were I live in Norway.

But we don't have such fine bell towers!

Paulie said...

Vancouver, WA not British Columbia, Canada

Angie said...

Hi Paulie,
Well, it looks pretty good to me! Thanks for posting on my Skywatch of last Friday,it's my turn to be late this week,lol.

Katney said...

Paulie, you have so many wonderful places to walk.

I have to drive a mile and park just to walk on our pathway. Occasionally I walk from that parking lot to church. And sometimes I walk from the parking lot on the other side of town on the pathway.

My road has no shoulder to speak of and what there is is covered with punctureweed. (We have to take the bikes to the parking lot to go biking, too.)

So you can see why I have to drive so far to find my adventures.

Love Bears All Things said...

I like the photo on the left best.
Don't you just love how the snow lights up the night. I know just what the author of "The Night Before Christmas" meant.
Mama Bear

We've had rain all day today and it is supposed to get cold tonight but no parcipitation after the rain.