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Blue Panther
First of all, let me wish each and every one of you who celebrate, a Blessed Christmas! May your New Year be one that keeps the memory of that first Christmas, when we all received the gift of Grace through a Savior, present in your daily lives.The weatherman is predicting snow in the valley (where I live) for Christmas!
I'm soooooooo happy; this is one time that I LOVE the weatherman. I am praying that he is right on target with his prediction. I enjoy snow so much! I know, I know. I wrote about snow last week for my blessing but really, I was writing about the
blessing of patience while waiting for it. This time I am going to write about
TRUST as a blessing.
TRUST that when I get to heaven, I will see snow. SNOW is talked about throughout the Bible--sometimes in sad ways and others with a very positive outlook. In heaven, it can only be positive. Some references referring to snow:
Job 38:22, God refers to the "storehouses of the snow." I wonder if there will be storehouses of snow in heaven? Maybe one with my name on it? One that is never empty. . . the more snow I remove and use, the more that is piled high in my storehouse?
Proverbs 31:21 says: "When it snows she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." Thinking the connotation for this verse. I feel it refers to the blood that covers us because Jesus shed it to cloth us all in His righteousness which is white as snow.
Well, here I am seeminly getting off track again. . . but, really, I am not. I am just thinking of how often God's WORD to us referred to snow. (I only mentioned two today but there are many more.) What a wonderful gift it will be for me and others who love SNOW to have it blanket the earth where we live as we celebrate Jesus' birthday this year! Thus, I am going to
trust the weather report.
No matter whether you enjoy the snow as much as I do or not, my prayer for you all as you shovel the sidewalks, drive to places to celebrate with family and friends or just relax in your own warm home, may you take the time to admire the beauty of the snow, remembering the connection to Jesus and give God the praise and thanks for making each of us "whiter than snow"