Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hairpinlace crochet

The ladies at my church are making 100 scarves and hats for an orphanage in Mexico. They call it "Knitting With a Mission." Not all the ladies knit tho and I am one that does not.

My scarves and hats will be made with hairpin lace crochet. You use a small loom to single crochet up the middle and connect strips. Then you add fringe at the ends of the scarf and a ball on the top of the hat. The photos will help to explain it a lot better than I can.

This is the loom and crochet hook I use with a small portion of the needlework finished. The loom has adaptable holes to make the project wider or narrower. As you can see, this is quite narrow so that it will be warm using a single strand of yarn.

The whole row is finished and taken off the loom.

Two rows are crocheted together and form a wider row down the middle.

This shows a close up of three rows.

These are the finished rows. Now I have to fix the end edges and add fringe and it is complete.

This is the beginning of the hat.

I ended up making it into a toddler hat with a tie string because it was definitely the wrong dimensions . . . where did I go wrong? I doubled the neck scarf to make it smaller too before adding the fringe.Oh well, they have little ones at the orphanage too. On to my second try, going to make a bigger one now that I ahve the jist of it again.


Anonymous said...

After you had troule opening one of my photos the other day, I discovered that happened whenever I tried to upload more than one image at a time. I can't seem to veiw two of your pictues on this post.
I am interested in this form of crochet. I might want to learn but first I'd like to see the other pics.
About my post: I was surprised and disappointed about the lack of potting soil and pots at Walmart. They had a few ceramic ones outside. I like the ones with a well at the bottom to fill. That way I don't overwater and have a mess when the pot saucer overflows. They were putting out their Christmas display so I guess they haven't gotten around to doing the Winter houseplant one. There might have been some soil outside the fenced in area but I forgot to look there.
It is still hot here although 20 degrees less than in August. Our leaves are mostly falling off after the drought and not staying on the tree after turning.
Mama Bear

Jenny McB said...

I liked how you included the pictures, I am such a visual person when it comes to understanding something.

The colors in the yard are so pretty, I am a sucker for variegated yarn.

Chloe said...

I love doing hairpin lace! In fact, I really love any craft that involves a lot of repetitive work--frees my brain up to listen to the whooshing in my head.
I'm going to finsih Cher's GD/not yet here birth sampler. I have a feeling she will arrive on Monday and I think every baby should have something made while they were on the journey. I'll do a little is foggy in the mornings, so I'm going out then. Probably now photos, but nice and quiet!
Are you all moved in?

MaR said...

I love crafts but can't do a thing... I am impressed with your crocheting! never saw anything like it and it looks so precious!
Thanks for directing me here from your photo hunt, I would have probably missed it otherwise!