Photo Hunters Website
The theme this week is tiny and
one definition of tiny is minature or “mini.” As I was perusing my photo collection, searching for something tiny, I couldn’t find or think of anything. so, off I went with my trusty Olympus for a photo hunt walk. The first thing I found was this sign that advertised a “mini” preschool through its name.

*I knew that wasn’t what I wanted but if I got desperate, it would do in a pinch. Ü
Walking a few blocks more, I saw this ‘tiny’ Mustang. . . well, it is a lot smaller than the car it depicts!

OK, OK ---- I know I am acting desperate. I couldn’t find a thing besides those two sleazy entries. I walked back home sulking.
BUT WAIT! Here I am home and staring at the wall, wondering if I should just decline this week’s challenge. The rules state you can do that occasionally and still be considered a participant.
But wait!!!!!!
THERE IT WAS right in front of my eyes ---- I probably have a 100 or so minatures in my 2 printers trays!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I did it!!!!!!!!!!!! See all those mini (tiny) items? I know, you need a magnifying glass to make some of them out. That qualifies me for this week's entry of MINI.
Alright, I will chose a few to focus on which represent my interests.

Starting at the top left; I weaved the mini palm and it reminds me of what Jesus did for me; the tiny starfish is from the ocean that I love so much; the cookie sheet with mini cookies represents my cookie cutter collection and years of memories making cookies with my children and grandchildren; the bottle of sand represents my love of the beach; the sled represents that I LOVE SNOW; back to the top - my pin from the Oregon Marathon in which I finished walking the whole distance two years ago; the mini sampler of counted cross stitch represents one of my hobbies; the mini flag represents my love of country; and last but not least is the Jade bear with a Salmon in its mouth that represents the 19 day trip to Alaska that I was privileged to take one summer.
All these
mini/tiny things from my printer’s trays represent ME!
I do indeed have
tiny things for a photo for my entry this week!