I can't finish editing my post for today -- BLOGGER is a big mess. I will try to make a new post for ODD SHOT Monday which I had put at the end of the previous post but didn't get to link it and had some typos I didn't get fixed when thrown off for the umpteenth time today. BIG sigh.
I was out for a walk in an uptown neighborhood, searching for spring flowers when I walked past this pile of glass windows waiting by the curb possibly for the trash or for someone to haul off. I walked past and immediately turned around and had another look. They are unique in design of placement and I was sad that someone opted for a more modern window to take their place. I have seen window frames like these in an antique shop downtown. . . so why take a photo? Maybe sentiment to preserve a bit of the past in my mind?
Ah, Paulie, you are not alone. I just now managed to get my odd shot posted. I love old windows too. If only they could talk, the stories they could tell...
I don't know why you've had so much trouble with blogger. I haven't had a problme since I got a high speed connection--except on the weekend they were having issues all over.
Don't you wish you could do something with those windows. I think it is odd that anyone would just throw them away.
If my husband had spotted those windows he'd have taken them home, especially the white one on the right. He'd find something creative to use it for. ;-)
Maybe someone will see that they are usable....a faux window in the bath with a pastoral scene ....a door for a cold frame to raise veggie seeds.....S-I-L painted a similar one and hung it as an art piec.....attach to a box and use for a cabinet....gotta' think outside the box....good conversational photo.
I love old windows, and have always had an attraction to them. So, i really like these! Thanks for stopping by~Will let you know about my odd shot =)
Great shot of the old windows they are beautiful. Sorry you are having so much trouble i guess i have been lucky not too much trouble on this end
ThanX for visiting ineXplicable. I shot the "vertigo" piX inside the tower of a historic (working) lighthouse that's perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific. The climb to the top was dizzying, but the view, spectacular!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Blogger! What is going on eh?
What a shame these windows were destined for trash! Freecycle is a wonderful opportunity to recycle such gems.
Those are odd in more than one way - they aren't smashed! I'd make a small cold-frame with them.
I haven't quit figured what the "Odd shot" theme is all about. Most of the pictures I have seen so far could best be described as "odds and ends" - the funny content has been rather low. Though, I have no problem with seeing the oddity in your wayward windows.
BTW: I too have had a feeling that Blogger has behaved most mysteriously lately.
I don't know about where you live, but they could get some money here for these... I'd LOVE to have them! The things I could do with those...
Blogger is great when it works, but when it doesn't... it's a complete pain!
We have a house worth of old single pane windows back in our shed. While they were in pretty good condition they were not energy efficient. Unfortunately that took precedence.
Gypsy has some good ideas for recycling them, too.
paulie. do you use an iMac? Are you using Safari? If so, there are compatibility issues w/blogger. Download Firefox, its free, and it is very compatible with both Apple AND blogger. I have an MacBookPro and from time to time I cant use Safari with blogger .. so I downloaded and Firefox and no longer have either posting or editing issues.
thanks for all your comments, I read them all .. :-D
They are nice windows. I suppose they might have been removed for better insulation. As beautiful as they are, I know a lot of those old windows don't keep in the heat very well.
I've also had problems with blogger recently.. I've noticed a lot of us who have had google issues have been in the west, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with that.
Oh, I wish I was there. People are painting on these and saling them for much money. I've been looking at purchasing one for the garden. They look good when hanging from a fence or rail to make a garden room boundary. I would love to have that big one.
Mama Bear
So sad about the old windows just abandoned. I couldn't upload Sky Watch on Friday but I could other photos so I felt like the other one was meant to be. I cannot use bold on blogger either.
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