Thursday, March 27, 2008

Birds my camera spotted last week. . .

Robin Red Breast in grass.

Hawk in a tree.


dot said...

Good shots! I don't see many hawks around here.

Katney said...

I love finding birds that will sit still long enough for a portrait. At our hotel the other day they had three feeders. There were dozens of pine siskins. The manager told me they had to fill the three feeders daily.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love that you got the Hawk. We have a resident one in our neighborhood. We see him quite a lot but I've not been able to photograph him.
I went out to the mailbox then walked over to the Jasimine climbing my house to pick a few blooms. Several Robins flew out. I know they're nesting there.
Thanks for your comments on my post this morning. I am suffering with my allergies. Pray for me.
Mama Bear

Lilli & Nevada said...

There's an award for you over at my place .. come and get it

Kerri Farley said...

Great shots Paulie!! How neat to see the hawk so clearly!