Sunday, March 30, 2008

For Blog YOUR Blessings Sunday participants. . .

I apologize but I am not feeling well and most likely won't have a post this week. I feel badly about not getting one up but I just can't. Appreciate your prayers if so inclined.



Rune Eide said...

Your health comes first - no matter what!

Keep to you bed, read a good book. You'll have my wishes for a speedy recovery!

PS Thanks for nice comment!

dot said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. Hope it's nothing serious and you will certainly be on my prayer list.

SandyCarlson said...

You're in my prayers, Paulie. I'll check in with you later in the week.

Katney said...

Get better!!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

I do hope that you get to feeling better, i was sick all last week and just now getting better. Sure hope its nothing too serious. Will definitely be in my prayers

Anonymous said...

Join the club, Paulie. Sorry you're feeling bad.

I'm glad you got to enjoy a little snow at last.
Mama Bear

Sharon said...

Paulie, I'm sorry you don't feel well, you are in my prayers. Take care of yourself.

Whatever said...

Argh...I feel for you, since I was on my behind last weekend. Unfortunately, the "crawling crud" as I call it seems to be making the rounds this year. Hope you feel better and happy BYBS.

mrsnesbitt said...

Hope you are feeling better.
It is good to be able to be honest and share...others can identify. The past week has been a rough one for me, but i enjoyed my bath this morning! LOL!