Sunday, March 23, 2008

Blog Your Blessings Sunday #22

If you care to join us acknowledging our blessings go here: Blue Panther

CLICK on photo to enlarge.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, my blessing today is also yours! I know, I am not worthy to receive such a wonderful gift but it is there for me anyway, just for the taking because I am a believer. That's the wonder of this gift. That's the beauty of this gift. That's the GRACE of THIS gift!

A most blessed Easter for those of you who celebrate.


Linda said...

Great picture. Yes, I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and I'm grateful for His gift of salvation. Great picture. We have a hugh cross in the foyer at church with a sign that my son-in-law made that also says "Paid in Full"
Happy Resurrection Day!

dot said...

Beautiful post! I've accepted Jesus as my Savior also.

Susan Demeter said...

Wishing you a very happy and blessed Easter Paulie :)

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

The best of the Easter holiday... and it's great to see your blessing of being blessed with your saviour.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful, Paulie! Happy Easter.

Lucky Lady said...

Your blog is beautiful and I feel blessed to have been able to see and read it GOD BLESS

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. You did a great job.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter and Happy BYB Sunday to you and yours.

Mike's Travels said...

Paid in full... Hallelujah! Happy Easter to you.

CyberCelt said...

Great pic! He is risen! Happy Easter.

Not only is it paid in full, we have a credit!

Daryl said...

Happy Easter.. the large apartment buildings along West End Avenue - a block from where I live - plant tulips in the spring .. and later other flowers and shrubs in these sort of urban mini gardens surrounding the trees the city plants. They plant already blooming tulips and if the weather is nice they last quite a while .. if it gets rainy or snowy or very windy they lose their petals .. so its really something you need to catch/record on film quickly ..

Linda said...

Thanks for your comments - I went back an posted a picture of the cross/paid in full for you. You can also see picture from
We go to the same church.

Lissa said...

Love the BB! I have also accepted Jesus as my Savior (as I'm sure you alreay guessed). Happy Easter!

escape said...

amen i say to this.

Sharon said...

Jesus is Lord! I have been saved as well.

Blue Panther said...

Happy Easter to you too!