Sunday, July 27, 2008


If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney.

The nerve of that squirrel ignoring that sign! Who did it think the barricade was for anyway?


ArneA said...

may bee a course in English could help some of the aliens you have around you
Call X-file or Men in Black

Anonymous said...

A perfect shot for the theme. Am I to understand that were I to approach such a barricade, I could pass it... ?

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Some squirrels think the rules are for evryone else but them. ;-)

Mike's Travels said...

Just you watch me!!

Texas Travelers said...

Very cool photo at just the right time.

Our odd shot is found Here.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha

Anonymous said...

Lol... love it! Doesn't everyone ignore barricades, if they can? Little guy is just doing what everyone else does...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Cheeky. Obviously a foreign squirrel

Cindi said...

Oh my....I laughed and laughed at this one!

Rambling Woods said...

LOL...squirrels never heed the law..

Katney said...


Diane said...

Wow, you HAD to be FAST for that shot! Great one Paulie!

Kim said...

Apparently it is for American's, maybe he is Canadian :)

becky aka theRAV said...

too cute, Paulie!

Linda said...

This is so funny. You were at the right spot at the right time to catch this shot. I'm still laughing.

Dragonstar said...

Very well caught! Why did the squirrel cross the road? To give Paulie a great Odd Shot!

Rune Eide said...

If you can't get over it or around it - get under it!

Anonymous said...

That is such a great capture! Put a big smile on my face. Thanks for sharing! :D