Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blog Your Blessings Sunday #24

If you care to join us acknowledging our blessings go here: Blue Panther

Saturday I did nothing. I mean, I did nothing of the things that were waiting on my "TO DO" list. It was 78 degrees and our first really nice day with beautiful blue skies in a long time -- WITHOUT RAIN. In thinking of which blessing I wanted to share and what photo I would put with it, I decided on this one. It illustrates a picture of rest when I am doing one of my about town walks and comes with the added beauty of the tulips that are open now and in full bloom. To me, this is the ultimate picture of resting in His beauty!


Unknown said...

What a precious photo, and a beautiful blessing. Thank you, may your dy continue to be blessed.

SandyCarlson said...

Paulie, This is wonderful. Such a beautiful spot to rest. God bless!

Anonymous said...

So true. We are often to busy to stop and smell the roses or tulips. If we would only slow down in thought or action, we could enjoy many blessings that our Maker sends our way.

CyberCelt said...

resting in His beauty... that is a wonderful thought and a beautiful blessing.

Katney said...

The photo says so much.

Kerri Farley said...

OH Paulie, this is Beautiful! I LOVE Benches!

Lucky Lady said...

great blessing and the tuplips are beautiful wish i lived in town but i walk in the country just no benches for rest

Anonymous said...

Ditto!! This is a good shot because it shows a place of rest which we all seek in our daily lives, and find with our God.
Thanks for sharing this,
Mama Bear

nancy said...

This is nice. It's a very inviting scenario.