Thursday, June 19, 2008

View from my window last night. . .

Leaves me speechless. . .


Cindi said...

The shapes of the clouds and the coloring are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for photographing it so we can all see it!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful Paulie! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

You should be doing SkyWatch - just the job.

dot said...

That would leave me speechless too. Very beautiful sky!

Sharon said...

It is amazing what you can see when you look up! What a great thing to wee from your own window, it is beautiful.

Linda said...

An a lovely view it is!

Lew said...

Great photo! I love the colors in the sky. To answer your question about our bench: No, I did not make it. Marianne ordered it and it came "some assembly required". Basically, 2 ends, a seat, a back, a bunch of screws and wooden plugs to fill the holes. It is cedar and has a coat of sealer that adds a little color.

Mike's Travels said...


Malyss said...

A very peaceful view,perfect just before going to dream..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sunset. If I were up that hight, I wouldn't bother with curtains.
Mama Bear

Rune Eide said...

At the moment I would not dare to show my view. You would take it for a B & W photo.

Magnificent colours.