Monday, June 02, 2008


The symbol above is for a new meme that Katney started recently .

I call this one my MATH cloud. Look at all those segments divided by high wires!


ArneA said...

Math cloud
love it

DeLi said...

i like thsi composition too and teh caption complements it

Katney said...

That is a lot of wires. We spend so much time trying to keep the wires out of our photos. I guess you might just as well go with the flow.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Now that is Odd, where did you take that?

Anonymous said...

Great shot! In this case the wires make the shot. Good eye!

Anonymous said...

That is creative use of a perpetual nuisance :) Math Cloud! LOL

Dragonstar said...

That's a load of wires! Makes a great pattern with the cloud, though.

Kim said...

That is an interesting angle. Very unique, great job!

Anonymous said...

That is such a cool photo! Love the contrast between the clouds and the hard lines! Great odd shot! :)

raf said...

Wow, now there is a bonafide power grid. Great odd shot, Paulie!

Andree said...

A coordinate plane in the sky! Descartes would've loved it!