Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blog Your Blessing Sunday #33

If you care to join us acknowledging our blessings go here: Blue Panther
ALL photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Yesterday was "FLAG DAY" in the United States. We celebrated with games and activities for the kids and some for the whole family. There was a picnic with free hot dogs, chips, carrots, nuts, and drinks.

We even got to ride the Wells Fargo stagecoach!

There were speeches by dignitaries, including Ben Franklin and essays read about "Let Freedom Ring" from the 5th graders who were finalists in the contest this year.

Most important, there were activities about our flag. Kids learned how to fold the flag properly.

At 4:00 PM, we all said the Pledge of Allegiance together and were told the rest of the country were all saying it at the exact same time at their gatherings.

A huge flag was unfurled by Scouts, 2 men returning from Iraq and a few others while we sang God Bless America.

My blessing this week is celebrating the freedom we have in America and thanking God for it not just today or this week but daily. I love our flag and what it stands for. Freedom is not only a blessing THIS WEEK but all year long!


SandyCarlson said...

Well, how cool is that, Paulie! You guys know how to do things out there. Looks like fun. The sight of the Wells Fargo wagon set the score of "Music Man" playing in my head! I love it.

God bless.

Whatever said...

It is good to be reminded every now and then about the freedom we take for granted. Good posting.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Geesh i don't think our town did anything for it. But then i might of missed it. Looks like all had fun

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Amen, my friend... we (obviously) pretty much have the same freedoms here... and yup, they are a blessing!

Linda said...

Amen and Amen! I love the flag folding by the scouts. I've seen that done numerous times at funerals. But it wasn't until the other day that I read what the folds stand for. I was so touched and honored. I was also sad that those values seem to be getting lost in our society. I think it was great that your area had this kind of celebration. Check out this website You can get the info on the flag folding if you don't alread know it.

Susan Demeter said...

Looks like a lot of fun! And a great way to celebrate your country :)

Happy BYB Sunday and belated Happy Flag Day!

Sharon said...

What a wonderful way to spend Flag Day! I'm glad you had fun.

Those sunset pictures balow are just beautiful!

Malyss said...

All those things seems very moving;it's a good thing to celebrate the fact that we're living in free countries;too much people seem to forget it;you can be proud of this kind of celebrations;

dot said...

Looks like a fun time for all. I was traveling on Flag Day and saw such occaions going on in several small towns.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day!
Mama Bear