Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blog Your Blessing Sunday #34

If you care to join us acknowledging our blessings go here: Blue Panther

I saw this little statue in a flower bed this week and it reminds me to take time to "REST." It looks like this little boy had been playing some kind of ball game -- maybe soccer-- and then took time to sit in a beautiful spot to rest after the fun. It is officially summer now and it is a time for vacations and time off from school. Even God rested on the 6th day after He created the world. Indeed, pausing to appreciate the world around us is a blessing!


dot said...

It is a good blessing to be able to rest on Sunday! I can remember and I'm sure you can too when most things were closed on Sunday.
I'm thankful for a rest today.

Malyss said...

The statue is beautiful, you made a great shot, and I like the way you find your blessings when seeing something while walking.
A nice post.

Susan Demeter said...

That is a lovely photo of the wee statue Paulie :) And thanks so much for stopping by mine. Yes, we should all learn to rest at times, and just enjoy what is around us :)

Happy BYB Sunday and have a great week ahead!

SandyCarlson said...

That's a most excellent blessing. Lovely photo, too! God bless your week. Rest well, friend.

CyberCelt said...

I love to come upon these statues that look like people. They will be here long after we have all gone the way of the dinosaurs...

Linda said...

That is a really cute picture. And amen to your words!

Kerri Farley said...

A Beautiful post, Paulie!

storyteller said...

Ah yez ... rest! Something we could all perhaps do more regularly in this fast-paced world of ours. Thanks for sharing ... and for dropping by Sacred Ruminations on Sunday. I'm intrigued also by the Odd Shots activity and may check that out as time permits ... but probably not today. Hope you have a marvelous Monday!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

A beautiful statue. Rest is so important. We couldn't function without it.
Kelli at There is no place like home has been sharing some tutorials on card making. I think I'm going to try my hand at making a couple of them.
My back is still hurting but better.
I hope you had a good weekend.
Mama Bear