Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blog Your Blessings Sunday #25 and Camera Critters 2

If you care to join us acknowledging our blessings go here: Blue Panther

CLICK on photo to see nature's beauty

Today, the weather forecast was for snow down to sea level. I looked and looked for it. We had hail a couple times . . . finally tonight around 5:30, it started snowing. I was riding the bus on my way home. There was not enought to cover the streets but there were areas of curbsides and grass that got white for a few minutes. They are forecasting more for us from midnight to early morning hours and maybe even some for Monday! We will see. . .

I know cities north of Seattle got 7 inches of snow by noon. It was so beautiful on the news but I worried for the tulips that are blooming so profusely now. I didn't hear what the final snow count was in inches there but it made the national news.

OK, so what does this have to do with my blessing I am focusing on today? Well, if you enlarged the photo you would see it! I am counting my blessings this week in the beauty that nature provides no matter what the weather. AND what's it like in "your neck of the woods?"


Go here if you would like to play this Sunday meme: Camera Critters

This little squirrel looks like it has its hands folded in prayer to say a blessing before eating his next meal. . .


Blue Panther said...

It indeed does...a well captured moment!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

SandyCarlson said...

That is a rich blessing! It's great to see nature in all her splendor no matter the weather.

That squirrel shot is super, Paulie!

i beati said...

just waiting for you in this devout way very cute

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

yes, he is saying his sunday prayers

lv2scpbk said...

Squirrels are so cute.

Susan Demeter said...

What a fun shot! Thanks for the smile....but snow?! Really! Here in Toronto we have gone from winter to summer temps overnight! I like the snow, and winter weather, miss it already.

Have a great week ahead!

Daryl said...

Oh ... I shouldnt admit this but I love squirrels!

Anonymous said...

We can really find something to be thankful for whatever the weather is. God bless!

Sharon said...

You are right about the beauty of nature! It is always a blessing.

What a great catch on the little squirrel!

My Camera Critter is up.

Katney said...

We did not have the snow on this side, but Friday had a fierce all day wind and it has stayed cold. Most every sort of weather brings the beauty of nature. The wind mostly brought dust, but then, it has been a blessing for it to stop.

We went to Tri-Cities to look at a little trailer. It was little, but not little enough for us, and who wants a TV-DVD for camping? Well, I guess some people do and it WAS a little trailer. There is one available that is smaller, though and more suited to our style. We will try to get a look at that one in a couple of weeks when we meet up with other PArk Volunteers for a breakfast gathering in Tacoma.

Squirrels are pretty photogenic when you can get them to stand still long enough, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Squirrels are nuts

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is so cute and what a great capture you got there

Misty DawnS said...

Hehehehe - what an adorable capture! I love getting photos of squirrels, because they always seem to have so much personality. This was great timing and you got a fantastic shot!

Kyanite said...

Well caught, that 'rat with tail' looks thankful!

Carole said...

Very cute capture.

Juli said...

another cute squirrel! My critter is here if you want to check him out.

Chloe said...

Love that nature shot at the beginning of today's blog. You have such an eye for ordinary beauty.

Mom Knows Everything said...

What a cute picture! He does look like he's praying. :o)

Lucky Lady said...

your post is always beautiful god bless

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Paulie, love that first shot and the squirrel is awesome!!
Great post!!

PS - our weather was a bit rainy but turned out pretty nice = about 60 degrees today.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Far too cute.Fabulous shot.

Janet said...

We were blessed with blues skies, warm temperatures and a nice breeze today! I like your critter photo.

Anonymous said...

He does look like he is praying. Great picture.

threesidesofcrazy said...

too cute - well captured!

Lynette said...

It is a blessing, for sure. Thanks for sharing it with us.

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Some may hate me... but it was TOO warm in my neck of the woods with temps in the seventies before we were really ready for 'em! Summer has Sprung in parts of Canada... and where we are is one of 'em! What a wonderful photo... well, wonderful photos to be fair! Great shots!

Michele said...

That is just super cute!!!!!!

Heart of Rachel said...

Being thankful for one's blessings is always a nice deed. Great photo.

Anonymous said...

Hi paulie :D,

Now this is a shot I missed 2 days ago, I am still thinking about it...I went out to do something and here was a squirrel looking at me quietly and me?..No camera, he was so close...grrrrrr

I love your little squirrel

Thank-you for visiting my blog, come back soon

Anonymous said...

I don't believe snow will harm the tulips unless it is very heavy. It certainly didn't hurt my daffodils. It does provide nitrogen for the plants plus moisture. Its frost we have to worry about.
We're having a beautiful day with sunshine and warm temperatures.

The date for our Habitat workshop doesn't work for me. We have two events in Alabama the first weekend in May so we'll be going over for those. Also, I have back problems so I'm not sure I could do some of the work. Our club does many worthwhile service projects. I can't take part in all of them. I'm happy to do what I can.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

I love it when squirrels do this. What amazes me is that all species do it. Why??? It's so cute!