Monday, December 25, 2006

My dear friend Myrl. . .

It has been a long time since I visited with her. . . I stopped going when I got sick and was on so much medication. I didn't trust myself to walk that far after she "moved home." Her kids did a reverse mortgage on her home so she could have a full time nurse live with her.

Anyway, I surprised myself today that I could walk all the way over there in 40 minutes (She doesn't live on a bus route.) For once, it wasn't raining. I AM SO SICK OF RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Myrl woke up for a minute or two but almost didn't recognize me as I had pulled my hair up on my head in a clip and I look different when I do that. I talked to her and said "Merry Christmas" and promised to return soon. I wish she could talk. . . she was always such good company with her stories of growing up and and all her trips and relatives.

It was kinda melancholy to go to Myrl's home again. . . it was my home for awhile too since she took me in when I was out of work. I made those nativity snowmen at her house after I shoveled the driveway two years ago. . . that was one beautiful snowstorm. . . I got three elderly friends' driveways and sidewalks shoveled before i headed back to Myrl's to build my snowmen. Then the ice storm hit and we lost electricity, school got cancelled for a day and we were stuck in the house for days because everything was pure ice. . . but o so white and beautiful!

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