Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dream Snow. . .

It was Friday and I had skipped lunch at work to help a few children work on their Christmas presents for parents during their nap time. The ones that needed to finish never napped anyway so I felt like we were bing productive. It had rained in the morning but the sun had tried to peek out for awhile during the time my TA left for lunch.

Anyway, to get back to the snow. SNOW? Well, yes, there it is in the title. . .

My TA had returned but I was doing a working lunch and was helping a student with their handprint ornament details. All of a sudden, it got very dark. I mean, the room had the lights off and we were working in a corner of the room near a window with blinds partially opened. Then I heard a noise. " OK, that's it!" I said, and we put the ornment down safely and I went to investigate at a different window ner our entrance.

IT WAS SNOWING hard pellets of ice. I was wearing just socks on my feet as we hve our class in a historical building with wood flooring. I stepped outside anyway. YES! It was blowing hard and the snow was actually covering cars and roofs but not staying on the pavement. I didn't know how long it was going to last. . . knowing how much my class kids loved snow, just like me, I walked around the classroom and grabbed every child that was not sleeping and took them out to the foyer to see it. Then I hollered for my TA to wake the rest up because they were going to miss the snow if they slept the last 45 minutes. She did and they sleepily appeared in the foyer where it was floor to ceiling windows and they could see the snow falling.

I'm not sure who enjoyed it the most. We sat there 15 minutes seeing this wondrous sight. The last time it snowed here this school year, we got NONE at school but they had surprises for them when they got home as it did elsewhere in the city. Then, it stopped so we all went back to our cots and I worked with a few more kids and got their ornaments finished. I hope the parents will enjoy the handprint snowmen as much as we do.

The snow disappeared by time as we got up from naptime and had our snack and went out to play. If we ever get enough snow there to play in, we are going out even if we are in the middle of something else.

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