Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A few random thoughts . . .

Tonight I am thinking about different paths each of us take. . . just found out that my good friend, Myrl, had a small stroke and fell and broke her foot. She is in the hospital now. I wish I had known earlier as I would have skipped going to Lenten soup supper and working in the church library before the services tonight SO I could go visit her. I do hope she knows that she is in my thoughts and prayers.

I've known this friend for 20 years as a church member but she touched my life in really special ways twice during periods when I was almost homeless due to different circumstances. I am so glad that God gave me that special time with her. Just went to visit her a couple weeks ago and instead of visiting for an hour, we must have chatted for 3-4 hours!

She is such a special lady and it is hard to believe that she is so helpless right now. I am supposed to go over to Oregon for a special church ladies meeting on Saturday but if there is something I can do for her instead. . . that will be my choice. I can send my banner design for the convention with the other ladies going. . . Myrl means more to me and always has.

I will go to work tomorrow and also go to the testing place to take some kind of computer test necessary for my job. Then I am heading for Myrl's . . . will have to find out if she is in the hospital still or at home. Feeling mighty helpless right now. Hope I can do something for her. Thank you, God for precious friends!

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