Sunday, August 24, 2008


If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney.

Oops! Got a headless bird! Definitely odd. . .


david mcmahon said...

He must have been singing his head off!

ArneA said...

Don´t birds sleep with the head under the wing

Anonymous said...

So this is how the Racing Post got on the tree limb - the headless bird put it there. Babooshka will be glad to know.

Rune Eide said...

We all fell headless some tines...

PS I'll move the roll call to the other site. July and August are the holiday months in Norway, so one cannot expect full participation from them. Anyhow, the whole project is a bit anarchistic when it comes to attendance ;-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Quite a freaky shot! Almost looks like a feather duster up a tree!

Rambling Woods said...

Poor bird..but he has very pretty feathers. Happy Monday!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Aileni is right. This how the paper got up the tree on my shot. Marvellous shot.

EG CameraGirl said...

Bwahaha! Too funny...oh, and ODD!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Very odd shot and a good capture, Paulie.

dot said...

Odd for sure. Leave it to Paulie!

Mike's Travels said...

He he! Nice one.

Katney said...

Well, I manag3ed to get his head in my attempt, but you definitely captured the color better.

Linda said...

He blends in with the tree - Nice headless bird.

Ingrid said...

it has its head in the clouds probably, lol !

becky aka theRAV said...

That is so funny, Paulie. Thanks for your kind, always helpful comments on mine.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about the blogging world and your problem with the photos but maybe you could contact blogger about it. I think you can start another blog. Just call it Postcards from Paulie II. You can also join JPG magazine and share them there.
Mama Bear

Unknown said...

Haha, now that is an odd one.

Cindi said...

Do you have any idea what kind of bird that is?

Lilli & Nevada said...

I love that what kind of bird was it? looks big.I didn't have a odd shot this week