Monday, August 04, 2008


If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney.

Can you guess what the following photo shows? No fair reading the labels for this post!

I found a pond/stream with fish in it near the Farmer's Market downtown-- I don't know how I missed it before. There were several fish swimming around but everytime I wanted to get a shot, the big one would hide and the others follow. Finally got this shot off . . . and then found out that the trees above were reflecting in the water and the movement of the fish made it looked blurred so IT IS ODD to me. Even looks like a fish swimming through the trees!


Katney said...

That is a cool shot--and you could even add it to the Picture This blog for the current theme.

storyteller said...

I love the ‘wordle header’ for your post (I used them in today’s post at Small Reflections actually)… and the blurred photo itself. Methunk it was a ‘critter’ jumping from one limb to another (or a bird in flight) but I love that’s it’s a ‘reflective’ piece of fish jumping in water. Very ‘kewl’

Jane Hards Photography said...

I couldn't wotk out what it was at all. Very odd.

Rambling Woods said...

That is a neat shot with the fish.

Diane said...

Paulie...I luv this shot. Reflections are so cool, but sometimnes seem to bothersome. But, ultimately they turn out to be some of your best shots~
And, Paulie, in reference to my odd shot~the dinosaur is nestled on the bottom of the cactus wreath~Look again.....=)

Diane said...

I changed my comment moderation~will try to see how it works. Thanks for stopping by!

dot said...

I thought it looked like part of a pair of glasses. Ok. So I see things no one else does. Sometimes I hear things too!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back - hope you continue to heal well.
I am just sick of nationalistic flag waving... and now it's the Olympics.
Your picture sums up OddShots - very good.

Malyss said...

At first sight, it seemed to be a kind of ghost flying through the trees!a gothic-romantic shot!I'm
glad to see you seem to feel better.

Kerri Farley said...

OH, I hope you are feeling better!

What an ODD SHOT! It definitely looks like the fish are swimming through the trees!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

You know when i first seen it i thought it was a squirrel jumping in the trees. So very surprising that it was a fish, great shot

Anonymous said...

This is a very unusal photo. I thought at first it was somthing caught in the tree. The reflection is so clear.

Paulie, I'm so happy your arm is better and you can post again.

Since we have to sale this house even after we buy the other one, we'll be spending some time here every month. I'll be like having two houses for a while but since Honey Bear will need to be in town for work,it will work for us to leave some of our furnishings behind.
Mama Bear