Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beautiful tree blossoms. . .

I don't know what these are but they sure were pretty on my walk last week. CLICK on to enlarge.DOT tells me it is a Dogwood.


dot said...

Yes they are beautiful and they bloom all over in the south in early spring. It's a dogwood. I didn't know they grew in your area.

Chloe said...

Gosh those are pretty! I guess you get to have those long, leisurely springs; at least that is how I imagine it is up there in your neck of the woods...we had our two weeks of it and it is now over 100 degrees until around Thanksgiving. But while it lasted, spring was lovely.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Love the flowers, I don't think we have those here in Bend at least i don't remember seeing any

Anonymous said...

Well, Dot beat me to telling you what it was. There is a legend that the Dogwood was the tree that the cross was made from and you're supposed to see the symbol of the cross in the blossom. They grow natural here in the forests but I imagine that one was set out.
Mama Bear

dot said...

The Legend of the dogwood is very pretty but not true.